Vierbicher was selected by Division of Facilities Development and UW-Madison Campus to provide design and construction services for the reconstruction of Haight Road on the UW Madison campus (DFDM Project 14I1E).
Haight Road is an important local road that provides the lone connection between the University Houses Community to University Bay Drive and the UW Campus. This corridor experiences a consistent level of year-round street and pedestrian traffic. Despite various maintenance efforts over the years, the road had fallen into a state of disrepair and required reconstruction and repair of eroded stormwater conveyances.
The project goals included reconstruction of 1,150 feet of roadway with concrete curb and gutter, better control of stormwater runoff on the roadway, and safety improvements to aid with pedestrian traffic.
To achieve these goals, the project team designed a new street section with curb and gutter, increased the number of stormwater inlets and installed vane grates to better capture runoff. New concrete flumes were designed to control runoff and dissipate the energy reaching receiving channels. The pedestrian safety improvements included installation of new lighting, a concrete pedestrian path, and speed tables to reduce motorist speeds along the roadway. As part of the project an existing stairway / retaining wall was repaired and resurfaced.
Vierbicher was selected by Division of Facilities Development and UW-Madison Campus to provide design and construction services for the reconstruction of Haight Road on the UW Madison campus (DFDM Project 14I1E).
Haight Road is an important local road that provides the lone connection between the University Houses Community to University Bay Drive and the UW Campus. This corridor experiences a consistent level of year-round street and pedestrian traffic. Despite various maintenance efforts over the years, the road had fallen into a state of disrepair and required reconstruction and repair of eroded stormwater conveyances.
The project goals included reconstruction of 1,150 feet of roadway with concrete curb and gutter, better control of stormwater runoff on the roadway, and safety improvements to aid with pedestrian traffic.
To achieve these goals, the project team designed a new street section with curb and gutter, increased the number of stormwater inlets and installed vane grates to better capture runoff. New concrete flumes were designed to control runoff and dissipate the energy reaching receiving channels. The pedestrian safety improvements included installation of new lighting, a concrete pedestrian path, and speed tables to reduce motorist speeds along the roadway. As part of the project an existing stairway / retaining wall was repaired and resurfaced.
Prairie Du Chien
© Vierbicher Associates, Inc 2025