Phone Number:


Andy Kurtz

Planning and Community Development Manager
Andy Kurtz is our new Planning and Community Development Manager. Andy comes to us from Marathon City where he was the City Administrator for nearly ten years. Andy has extensive knowledge in the public sector as it relates to planning, economic development, tax increment districts, public utilities, ordinance maintenance, public funding, grant writing, and more. He also has prior experience in the private sector with a financial technology company responsible for business development, relationship management and product development.
Joined: 2023
Affiliations: League of Wisconsin Municipalities, Wisconsin City/County Manager Association, UWBG Clerks Institute Graduate, Past UWGB Clerks Institute Advisory Board Member, Past Chairperson Wisconsin Automated Clearinghouse Association (WACHA)
Fun Fact: I was PA announcer for Marathon High School Softball and Baseball for 10 years.

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